Heart Breath

Do you want to soothe your jagged edges, release stress, or shift the energy in your body,  a room or a relationship?

With a couple of minutes and some focussed breathing, explore these three techniques and experience how easy it is to transform tension and conflict by accessing the powerful, glowing beauty of your heart.

© 2011 Oona McOuat

1. Heart Breath – Fast & Sweet

Sometimes it just takes a little to change a lot…
Restoring ease and connection just takes a minute and can be done anytime and anywhere. The basic Heart Breath exercise is a powerful emotion refocusing technique that releases stress, balances emotions, and helps you break out of habitual response patterns as you feel good fast!

1. Focus – Gently focus your attention on and in the area of your heart.
2. Breathe – Pretend your breath is flowing in and out through your heart. Inhale through your heart (to a count of five or six), and slowly and easily exhale out through your heart (to a count of five or six). Do this until your breathing feels smooth and flowing.
3. Feel – As you continue to breathe through the area of your heart, generate gratitude, a heartfelt thank you. Let grace flood you with sweetness as you continue your heart focused breath.

2. Deep Peace Breath

In a couple of minutes, diffuse tension and conflict, spread peace and clarity, and soften calcified attitudes and perceptions as you harmonize the energy between the heart, the mind and the body. This is a great breath to channel towards generating a specific desired shift in any situation.

1. Breathe in, focussing on your heart. Breathe out, focussing on your solar plexus.
2. Choose a positive feeling or attitude to breathe in and out through these areas for another 30 seconds or more.
3. You may select attitudes that will help balance the emotional energy of a specific situation you would like to transform – breathing courage, forgiveness, authenticity, joy, light…. ‘til you are a beacon of Deep Peace.

swimming with wild spinner dolphins, Leigh Hilbert, Leigh-Hilbert photography.com

3. Big Love Breath

In 15 minutes, the Big Love Breath fills you with physical, mental and spiritual regeneration, as you dive into the depths of your own beautiful heart.

1. Focus on and breathe into your heart.
2. Generate a feeling of love and appreciation by focusing on someone or something that you truly love. Breathe with that feeling for about 15 minutes.
3. As that feeling of love and appreciation washes over you, gently send it out to anyone or anything that needs a little Big Love.

The above exercises were adapted from Heart Health – Heart Coherent Meditation by Luis S.R. Vas
